Your current version is listed in the fold-out menu under your account name.
Rentman updates are not deployed simultaneously for all accounts. It can take a few days before the updates are visible to you. Read more on how we update our software.
We have simplified our version numbers. Instead of a back end (B) and front end (F) number, there’s now only one number, no letters.
Activity screen shows activities of you crew members
We added an activity screen to the time registration page. This gives many new options for administration and retrieving payroll information. It makes it much easier to see what someone did over time, and what he will do in the future.
- As a crew member you can see how much you have worked or need to work.
- The other way around, you (as an employer) can see if there's a match between the amount you charge the client and what the freelancer charges you.
- You can also see if someone's job was registered or not
- You can export the whole overview
- You can add an invoice reference to a selection of activities, so that you know what has already been invoiced by the freelancer.
There are new settings in the user roles connected to this feature. You can find it under Configuration > User roles > Time registration. Existing roles are updated based on crew planner rights.
Digital Signing improved
We improved the digital signing procedure for documents (and the layout).
- After signing, the customer can now also download the signed document.
- We also changed some of the texts to make it more clear that the project has now been confirmed.

Sort your project notes
You can now sort your project notes in your documents. In your document templates you can set if you want to sort them chronologically, oldest or newest first.
Project files are shown separately
In the files widget in the project module, default project documents are separated from (manually added) files.
So, as an example, your quote will not be in the same overview as a floorplan.