We are proud to announce a much requested feature in our latest update: Rentman’s Notification System. Thanks to our new system you’ll be always up to date on every event. Choose what you want to know, the way you want to! Let’s see how it works.
Who will get the notifications
Effective communication is at the core of every good business, and at Rentman we know that. That’s why every user (from the first power user to the freelance technician) is now able to receive updates. The account manager will immediately know when a quotation has been accepted, and the freelancer will be aware that his function has been scheduled. And just by clicking on the notification, you will be redirected to the relevant module.

Choose what to be updated on
An information overload can be counterproductive: important messages could get lost in a sea of unimportant ones. By customising your preferences, you can be sure to only get the notifications you are interested in. Just click on ’Preferences’ in your notifications menu and select what is most important for you to see.

Receive notifications via app, e-mail or in your browser
In your preferences you can choose on what platform(s) you would like see your notifications. You can choose for each kind of notification if you want to be alerted on mobile, e-mail and/or web.

Note: To be able to receive our notifications on your desktop while Rentman is running in the background, make sure to allow notifications and pop-ups on Chrome!
If you want some more information about our new notification system please contact us at [email protected], we’re always happy to help!