In the time registration module, the brand new Activities tab is now available. This new overview further simplifies staff administration in Rentman by providing a central place where crew and payroll information can be retrieved.
Here’s what you can do now:
- Individuals in staff administration now have a single place to access information on hours that were scheduled and actually worked.
- Crew members can now easily see their past jobs to check what projects they worked on, for how long they had been scheduled and their actual worked hours.
- As both planned and actual costs are visible it is easy for administration to see if there's a match between the worked hours and the invoiced amount.
- The overview can be customized to show payroll information per project, crew member or time period.
- All information can directly be transferred into payroll software by exporting it into a spreadsheet.
- Invoice references can be added to activities (jobs), so that you know what has already been invoiced.
New user rights are being introduced in addition to this feature. They can be viewed and adjusted under Configuration > User roles > Time registration.
This feature is included in version 168 of Rentman.