*Drumroll* We’re excited to launch our new product co-planning tool, the place where you and our team collaborate to make Rentman the best solution. Let us introduce you to our new Public Roadmap!
What is it and why should I care?
In essence, this is a place for us to collect input from users on what we consider building. When evaluating potential new features, what we need to know is “how do you as user experience a certain issue and what issues are most important for you to fix?” The Public Roadmap offers you a space to share with us how certain problems affect your work and/or what a solution might look like for you.
Your feedback, along with the variety of inputs we gather from users on a daily basis, allows us to make educated decisions and helps us understand how to develop certain functionalities in a way that covers everybody's workflows effectively.
The cherry on top? The board gives you a sneak peek into what is on its way. Not only can you help us during the consideration process, but we are also giving you an overview of what is currently being built and what is launched and ready for you to enjoy.
Starting fresh, not starting over
Including you in our development process isn’t new to us. Our previous wishlist forum was popular and contained hundreds of user suggestions, many of which made it on our to-do list, but it was messy and hard to manage in a productive way. We are confident this new setup is a win-win: more efficient collaboration process = more usable end-product.
Anatomy of the Rentman Public Roadmap

Feature cards
Each feature gets a card, with a descriptive title and either a short summary of what exactly we’re referring to. When available, it’ll also include a little sneak peek of what we have in mind. On the top right corner of each card, you can see the total number of user insights submitted for this feature.
What is planned, launched or still under consideration? The upper tabs give you a clear view of items under each status.
To make it easy for you and us to sort through feature cards, we placed them under the category they belong in. The current categories are:
- Equipment & inventory
- Crew planning
- Financial
- Project management
How can I contribute?
Cards can be clicked on to reveal more information and a form to share your experience and feedback. Doing so is as simple as 1 2 3:
- How important is this to you? Is it ‘nice-to-have’, ‘important’ or is it ‘crucial’? This helps us prioritize what to work on next.
- How do you experience this issue? By sharing practical insights with us, we have a better idea of how to help you.
- Who is this submission from? Having some context helps us make the best out of the information you provide. This gives us a little more information about where the input comes from. Also, this proves to us you are no robot 🤖.
And voila!

Can I submit new ideas?
You sure can. If you see the need for something that doesn’t currently appear on the map, the submit idea button on top of the board allows you to do just that. Do keep in mind, the board is curated by our product team. This means we carefully review the hundreds of requests we receive, to make sure we only present relevant, realistic features that our product team considers building.
Get sharing!
Our motto is by the industry for the industry for a reason. We like and need you involved in our everyday hustle. Let’s keep working together to make Rentman the best tool it can be, making your life easier and helping your business thrive.