Your current version is listed in the fold-out menu under your account name.
Rentman updates are not deployed simultaneously for all accounts. It can take a few days before the updates are visible to you. Read more on how we update our software.
- When a pop-up opens, the cursor is always in the first field, so you can start typing right away.
- You’re able to add remarks when adding correction hours in the time registration.
- We added the option to create a packing slip with the items that still have to be packed. This will exclude the part that already has a part that already been packed or on location.
- On financial documents you can hide crew and transport functions when they don’t have a price.
- The suppliers in the subhire module on documents are now sorted alphabetically.
- When adding an empty comment line it is shown on documents.
- When renting a kit in a Woocommerce shop, the stock of your inventory is checked again.
- We fixed an issue regarding the shortages tab of the subhire module.
- If you don’t have the certain rights, you can’t create quotations and contracts anymore.